Scott & Kathleen Webb
The Miller-Webb family ties to Silver Lake dates back over 80 years. It was the only property Bill and Florence Miller ever owned. Scott and Kathy’s grandchildren are the sixth generation to enjoy the family’s Silver Lake cottage, Linger Longer. While searching through old county records for a map, they stumbled across information that conflicted with the oral tradition known to current residents. Intrigued, they dug deeper and found that the oral histories had gaping holes as well as wild inaccuracies. This work is their effort to document and memorialize the history of Silver Lake for future generations. Along the journey, Scott and Kathy came to realize that the history of Silver Lake itself is a microcosm for the settlement and evolution of York County, Pennsylvania itself.
Scott and Kathy, both raised in Pennsylvania, worked most of their professional careers in the Washington, DC area and raised their children in Northern Virginia. Their cottage is and was the family gathering place where holidays, birthdays, and family events are celebrated with extended families – grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It is one constant in their family.