Book Club? Home Schooling? Reading Group? Educator?

Welcome to our hub for educators across public, private, and homeschool settings, as well as book club facilitators! Here, you’ll find everything you need to lead engaging discussions and enhance learning experiences with our book. Explore discussion questions around Silver Lake’s history with suggested answers, teacher prompts, insights, and assessment questions suitable for students. Arm yourself with valuable tools to spark meaningful conversations and deepen understanding among your students or book club members.

“The History of Silver Lake as Told Through Its Deeds” takes a cohesive and spiral approach to local history, seamlessly integrating its content and revisiting key themes such as family, faith, education, wartime sacrifices, dinosaurs, and geographical influences. Even the inclusion of sanitation adds an intriguing layer. To fully leverage this approach, educators can utilize diverse teaching methods like group work, problem-solving activities, and visual aids to ensure all learners are actively engaged.

For authors’ suggested answers, please request them via the Contact Us form. Since these answers aim to stimulate thought, we prefer not to display them on the website but are happy to provide them upon request, exclusively for Book Club Facilitators and Educators. 

Educator Discussion Questions
Book Club Discussion Questions

Other York County Pennsylvania History Resources

The York County History Center
Retro York (Facebook Group w/Jim McClure)
Pennsylvania History Guide
Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission
Pennsylvania Archives
Pennsylvania: Local History & Genealogy Resource Guide (Library of Congress)
Pennsylvania and the American Nation: Gumberg Library (Duquesne University)